) any scale of progression and direction (including converse) Primary Directions (with real movement of planets) Primary Directions using an oblique ascension at calculation direction angle between promissor and signifocator, are considered correct traditional method Davison relationship chart composite chart coalescent chart harmonic charts Uranian 90 degree dial charts Traditional Charts: some kinds of traditional (square) cards in the European medieval style and in several Indian styles. Radix charts single and dual charts (transits, synastry, various kinds of directions and progressions: solar, lunar, embolismic lunation, phase progressed, profected. Tooltip help for every chart feature Interactive astrological interpretation of objects on the chart (planets, houses, Zodiac signs, etc) Extended computer-generated interpretations of natal (birth) and transit (astrological forecast) charts HTML-based help system Open library of interpretation texts, with a convenient system for cataloging texts, and the ability to select texts for a particular type of chart Sabian symbols Recall previously created charts instantly from the History log Forecast up to 10 years ahead using a transit comparison with the natal chart, presented in graphical form Facilities for an interactive space photo-album and mythological art gallery I-Ching Oracle with multimedia facilities Insonation of interpretation texts by speech synthesizer Introduction Astrological feature list 1) For beginners: Version 9 User Guide Last updated: 9 August 2014 Blue color for new ZET 9 (in comparison with ZET 8) features